Coming out with a new review, this time of one of my all time favourite comedies. It's Beginner's Luck, a rather obscure British film from 2001, directed, written and starred by James Callis. You can find the review here. Also, it's accompanied by an interview with James Callis.

For the near future, I would like to reupload soon my restrospective of Body Snatchers, because I think it contains valuable content, the work I'm sort of proud of. Only, the narration was really botched, but now I can fix it. This should happen relatively soon. After that, I have a Solaris retrospective in the works. I'm sad I'm unable to release new videos more frequently, but I'm learning to accept what's in the realm of possible for me, at this very moment. Will try harder, but being slow won't be a reason to stop doing this. Hope to reach all who want to be reached with the next video as well. Cheers!

News posted by Film Drifter

I've re-recorded my old review of Roger Young's Kiss The Sky with a voice talent, and I'm really happy how this collaboration is panning out. Looking forward to future reviews with this setup in mind. You can find the new video here, with links to old ones being removed. Also, I've removed links to my Body Snatchers restrospective, as this one is also in desperate need for an overhaul, and was somewhat diminishing the overall quality and coherence of videos currently available on the channel. I'll keep the first video, the review of Search and Destroy for nostalgia sake, but in all honestly, it turned out quite ok for a first video. Even my performance feels okayish. It was an outlier of sorts, in this regard. Anyway, stay tuned, new energy is on board, new stuff is comming!

News posted by Film Drifter

I'm alive! And I'm releasing my fourth video. A review of Fogbound (2002). Check it out here. Starting from this episode I will be using a voice talent for the narration, and hopefully this will boost up the productivity of the channel, for real this time. This review is also accompanied by an interview with the director, so be sure to check that out too. Next in the row is a review of Beginner's Lucky, directed by James Callis of Battlestar Galactica fame. Also featuring an interview with him. Stay tuned for the good stuff!

News posted by Film Drifter

Finally, the third video is out. A review of Kiss The Sky (1999). Check it out here. I've decided to change the format of reviews, featuring only my voice and film footage, as trying to shoot myself right and record good audio proved to be too challenging from several aspects, and was slowing down the process too much. Hopefully, this change of tactic will allow me to concentrate more on giving better audio presentations, and overall increase the frequency of releases. There are so many movies I want to cover. Eventually, I want to implement webpage reviews parallel to videos, starting by gradually converting old video reviews to textual as well. Stay tuned for the next video, hopefully very soon.

News posted by Film Drifter

Just a short update this time. I'm deep into developing the next three video reviews, all of which will be featuring the directors speaking on the films in questions, so I'm really excited on what is coming up soon. The first video should be released in less than a month, if all goes well. I invested in a new microphone, and hopefully it will bring the quality of my videos up a notch. I know the sound quality was quite naff. In the meantime, I was introduced to an up up-and-coming actor, Graeme Thomas King, recently starring in a Neil Jordan upcoming feature, and had an opportunity to probe his brain on the development of his career. I think we had a really cool and open conversation, so be sure to check that out here. Cheers!

News posted by Film Drifter

Finally, a second video is out. All The Body Snatchers - A Body Snatchers Retrospective. Check it out here. Unfortunately, this took me two years to complete, and while I had real life reasons for some half year of delay (illness and death in the family), the additional year and a half was just too much. But sadly, I burdened myself with a challenge I was not quite ready to tackle, a video over 35 minutes long, covering a novel and 4 films, so yeah. Lessons learned. Hopefully it won't take me so long for the next one. It wouldn't make much sense. We'll see. I'm confident I can do much better. Thank you for lurking around, if anyone is around. Hello?

News posted by Film Drifter

The first video is up! A review of Search and Destroy (1995). Check it out here.

News posted by Film Drifter